Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sounds exactly like somewhere I want to live...

My daily job requires that I price pipe quotes for our customers, and these quotes almost always have a job name to reference. Sometimes it's totally benign, like, State Road 80 Expansion, but sometimes (the best times) it's a neighborhood, new development, or apartment complex name, and OH the things people will name these new developments--they are astounding, pure comedic value. I should start posting them any time I see a good one, a running "Ridiculous Name of the Day" entry. Anyway, today's very cozy name, courtesy of Lake County, Florida, is:



Shanna Mac said...

am i crazy or was there another post up here yesterday? i was going to comment, but fell asleep (at 9:15). hummmmm, how did the searching go?

CortneyTree said...

No,you're totally not crazy, I posted about a house we found and then got all sorts of paranoid about posting so soon when so much could go wrong and deleted it. Because I am slowly but surely losing my mind in this process. Anyway, there's still a bunch o' stuff in the works, and I do like the house, so I may resurrect that post when the picture becomes a bit clearer.

KatieKate said...

That is NOT seriously the name of those apartments...goodNESS.

Why do I just now know that you have a blogger account? Because I am a dork.

CortneyTree said...

Yep, gotta keep up with the cool kids on blogger, so I started this one (also, so my mom could read it--I don't always censor myself on my other journal ;)).

Sunday Grant Photography said...

you make beautiful sushi!!!!!!!! here in blk mtn abd asheville there are such lovely names for the total destruction these places cause. people want to live on the mountain but destroy the very mountain they want to live on. ironic huh? my husband came up with one that should be called "the clearings". has a pretty good ring right?

CortneyTree said...

Thank you!

It kills me every time I come home to visit my parents to see the mountains just destroyed for giant homes. I cannot believe what the Weaverville/Asheville/BlackMt housing market is like--I don't think I could afford to move back if I wanted to! Worth is too clever, that's a perfect name!

Shanna Mac said...

where are you?!