Monday, February 4, 2008

Life is getting in the way of my blogging...

It's a dark, rainy, thunderstormy day here in Knoxville, and my little house is a dimly lit, and candles are burning, and The Robot is vacuuming happily upstairs and it is the PERFECT day to blog....and I can't.

My father arrives tonight for a week of renovation work on the Avondale house, which, unfortunately, is still full of my clothes and some other closet junk I haven't cleaned out since moving. Woops! So I have to head over there today for a mad dash/major Goodwill donation run, in addition to some serious tidying around here. Leaving, yes, only these few moments for a blog post.

And, darn it all, if I don't have a recipe I'm dying to share. That will have to wait.
Too bad, it's a lovely day for typing.


KatieKate said...

I love Snoopy. What a great picture for your blog today!

And rock on with your GoodWill self. Purge purge purge, woman. Get it done and forget about it.

The Colorado Carrs said...

hoooo hummmm