Monday, January 7, 2008

Under the Weather...

Which is a shame, because the weather today was gorgeous. Normally you might hear me balk at 70 degree days in January (I like snow, what can I say?), but today was simply magnificent. If it's not going to snow, it might as well be warm. Anyway, yes, I'm sick. That horrible stupid kind of sick where you feel even worse than you look, but you're simply not sick enough to just pass out and stay that way all day. I worked, I napped, I even cleaned a bit, just because I was bored out of my skull and felt crappy. I LOATHE being sick, mostly because, since I work at home, I just don't get sick days. Bleh.

So, yes, content will be light at best, as I recover (hopefully quickly). In the mean time, let me sum up my week: frozen pipe that flooded my garage and half the cul-de-sac, leftover bills from the other houses causing us to go over budget and dip into the emergency fund, a couple of seriously intense days un-making Christmas and renting a storage shed to house it all until we build shelves, and finally, a wretched head cold. There we are. I'm exhausted.

Matt's got to do some quality evaluations tonight of 2nd and 3rd shifters, so he's working from 4 to 12:30 am, meaning my tired puppy butt is soaking in a tub and going to bed early. I've been looking forward to it all day. Catch you guys later this week, when I'm feeling less like a zombie!


The Colorado Carrs said...

so sorry your sick to make yo feel better lets dish....I cant help it either...WHAT IS UP WITH BRIT!!! I am thinking it is major post some other junk but OH MY I just want to cry for this poor family. Myron also will not discuss...ughhh

KatieKate said...

awww... we hope you feel better soon darlin'!

Sunday Grant Photography said...

i will always discuss with you jessica! and lets just say that BellaRose will NEVER be a child star. there it is. i am already smashing dreams before she even has any! I am sorry you are sick, but not sick enough not to work. what a bummer. i told worth the other day that i don't get the luxery of being sick. not luxery but you know what i mean. since being a mom i will never be able to just sit on the couch. like you will never get the luxery since you work form home! oh drat. it is an all around no win.