Before you come in, you must say hello to the little Christmas mouse down by the mailbox!

The view as you approach the porch. Those candy cane poles on the left were ones Matt and I built and painted (and glittered...) for the Yorkshire house, and so far they've found a good home on either side of the garage. Next year we hope to have more made for the porch, which as you can see, now just has red ribbon and lights.

Santa's on the porch! Hi Santa!

At the entrance, to the left, we've got white lights and garland up the banister, and the animals stockings hang here.

To the right, is *Our* tree. This tree has all of the ornaments each of us kept from when we were kids. It's our first tree that's totally ours, together. We love it.

This tree has a train, baby! Yes, it really runs, and yes, it is the most awesome thing ever. The smokestack even blows tiny puffs of smoke as it runs.

Who wouldn't want to marry this guy when you know you'll be getting this tree topper in the deal? This topper lights up on it's own and spins. Santa and his sleigh, rounding the globe. One of our favorite Christmas toys!

The fireplace--I'm so happy to have a tree by the fire again! This is officially the coziest Christmas spot on earth--hot chocolate and movies in this room are just the best it can get.

A view of the full room, tree and all.

The dining room is next, where I have the buffet fully decorated already--guess we'll have to move all this when it's time for dinner, huh?

The "casual" table set up (wait to y'all see our Christmas Dinner set up!), and the second of our trees, this one's kinda skinny and done in all metallics and cool tones. Very much *my* tree ;)

We've become addicted to the french press coffee pot we got for our wedding, and couldn't resist a shiny Christmas snowflake model for dessert with the family!

And these are my new dessert plates and napkins--so cute, I can't stand it!

Upstairs in the guest room is the third tree, also mostly a Cortney Tree, along with all my Peanuts Christmas toys. We think of the guest room at Christmas as a kids room, and always want to make it the room one of us would have wanted to sleep in if we were kids. Guest should absolutely get their own tree, don't you think?

The guest bed, and a rare appearance by Zoe! Apparently, in our house, guests get their own room with a CAT, too.

Finally, in our bedroom, is th

And here's me, saying hi and Merry Christmas to all of you, in my dining room mirror, with my

Dear Cort,
You might be a little bit insane, and it makes me love you all the more! And to find a man as equally spirited, you've done good!! I just watched Deck the Halls the other night and thought of you. Seen it?
I just showed Gracen the picture and she said Mizmuz Dizes (trans: Christmas Lights)!
that is unreal. i am in shock. i wish i were your neighbor. wonderful
For the life of me, I can't find your e-mail address anymore...it disappeared....
I just wanted to know if you received you magnets?
AND...oh.my.goodness. Your home is spectacular! I've always wanted to do that but my husband won't let me. Boo.
Jami! I was just about to leave a comment on your blog as well, I got my magnets in the mail yesterday, and I love them! So cute!!! Yours should be on their way this weekend (I'm a little behind on my shopping still...)
Thanks for the compliment on the house! I was lucky enough to land a guy who loves Christmas decorations as much as I do--we tend to go a little overboard together ;)
I want to know where you got the Santa tree-topper!! It is fabulous, as is your whole house. While I have a pretty scaled back Christmas, how I love that there are people like you in world that simply go all-out. Love it.
Hi Leigh! Thanks for the comment :)
We got that tree topper at an after Christmas sale 3 or 4 years ago at Wal-Mart of all places. I haven't seen them since, or we'd have another few just as backup for this one! Just last night we were saying we should do an ebay search to see if there are anymore out there.
Matt and I keep saying we should scale back a bit, but we just can't seem to get the hang of it ;) Glad to know there are plenty of people out there to appreciate our "overboard" tendencies!
You have 4 Christmas trees! (I was lucky just to get one up and decorated). Where do you find the time to do all of this? Your home is just beautiful though! I love your outside lights, and I may just steal your candycane pole idea for next year.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your lights.
your house is beautiful.
Thank you for inviting us to tour your place.
Merry Christmas
Steal away, that's where the best ideas come from! I'm lucky, right now I work from home, I don't have any kids, and my husband is in class 2 nights a week, so I manage to find the time for all this pretty easily, but then again, I have no social life in November while all this madness is going on...
A festive French press? I love it!
I think your dear hubby MUST put a patent on that tree topper. And then market them.
I have a slide show for my tour.
I hope you can get connected to view with me, if not, I have a few thumbnail images on my regular blog too.---
My Slide Show Tour
I love your outside decorations, and your tree topper, and your train, and...okay, ALL of it! TFS!
Oh I just love your home and decorations. The french press is my faviorte how lucky you are.
What a fun tour. I love your outdoor lights! The train around the tree is fabulous! Enjoy...
I loved seeing your pretty home today...everything is so fun and festive, and I love that tree topper! You two are an adorable couple, too!
Merry Christmas,
I love your dining room!!!
I love how you took your photographs at night so that we could see the lighting. Your decorations are lovely and the red glow makes it look so Christmassy and cozy. Have a very Merry Christmas, Karen
Wow, everything looks great!
Your lights and decor are beautiful; so is Zoe the cat! :)
I am also a french press fan. I love your snowflake one. Is that from Starbucks?
Actually, the French press came from World Market--if you've got one near you, it was a steal, only $15!
I absolutely love the tree topper with Santa going around the world! That is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Where did you get that? Your home is just lovely. Thanks for sharing it with all of us internets! Blessings to you and your family!
Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed your tour. Where else can a guest get their own tree and cat? :)
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